Sunday, August 18, 2013

10 Most Amazing Photos of Animals That Still in Wombs

10 Most Amazing Photos of Animals That Still in Wombs

This photo shows a bottlenose dolphin about six months through its gestation period. Bottlenose dolphins are where the ocean is relatively warm. They give birth after twelve months. Tiny teeth have begun to form in the mouth of the dolphin fetus, and caudal fins are starting to develop. 

Halfway through their gestation period of twenty-two months, the Asian elephant is a perfect miniature of his siblings already born. Even the small trunk is formed, and small hooves can also be seen. Unlike humans, baby elephants have physical proportions remain the same until adulthood. 

Sharks are extremely rare among fish, as they carry their young in the form of a mammal. This tiger shark suddenly become one of the ocean’s deadliest predators. Even in the womb, its teeth are clearly visible and so intimidating, even allow you to eat your unborn brothers if you feel the need to. This shark species is responsible for the death of almost every year, but most of them are preventable.

Looking a bit like a small bear, a half chihuahua developed and is developing its distinctive features canines. At birth, the nose have become much more pronounced, and sharp young teeth and will grow. 

With ultrasound, we can see through the eggshell of the emperor penguin chick. It is floating in the liquid egg, just days from the time of hatching. Soon enter into one of the planet’s coldest environments, protected by a set down, as you can see, it has already developed inside the egg. Attached to the belly is the last of the egg yolk.

Cats may hate the water, but this two-month-old cheetah-yet unborn, has no choice but to swim in amniotic fluid. Within a month, the animal will be born almost totally helpless, eventually becoming the fastest carnivore on Earth. Even at this stage, the dots are visible between the hairs. 

His secret world traversed by ultrasound, a corn snake growing inside her hard, bird eggs. Despite his lack of legs can make them appear strange and frightening for us, a snake shares many similarities with lizards and small birds, including a well-defined region of the brain and spine. 

Here is an exception to the title of this list. The ultrasound was not necessary to capture images of this possum that as a marsupial, was born when he was still a fetus. The animal underdeveloped proceed to its mother’s pouch until it has developed enough to be “born” again.

This little lime-still in the early stages of development, almost looks like a tadpole with its oddly cappings CHORRERA. In just a few weeks, was born alive and ready to hunt as a tropical shark species on earth faster. Fish and immediately be directed as the shark matures, will even learn to snatch seabirds.  

Two thirds of the way to be born, polar bears have their fur insulation, and have small claws. Their bodies are engaged in small ursine what resembles a bear hug, but sibling rivalry inevitably escalate once born in what is often a very difficult life. Polar bear cubs grow into the largest carnivore species on earth.

Philippine's Most Expensive Resort

Amanpulo (Palawan) in Pamalican Island, Cuyo, Palawan tops Philippines' most expensive resort, an epitome of an island paradise perfect for that once in a lifetime picture perfect honeymoon luxury treat away from the madding crowd. I rests on the private Pamalican Island, about 360 kilometers southwest of Manila.

How to get there:

Before going to the island, you need to take a flight to Manila (international or domestic). There's a complimentary transfer from the airport to Amanpulo's hangar, which is very near the international and domestic airports. In Manila, there are scheduled chartered flights to Amanpulo. Guests fly directly to Pamalican Island in a well-maintained 19-seater twin-engine turboprop plane landing at the resort's private airstrip. The round-trip fare per person is US$400. If you want to charter your own plane or your own yacht or boat towards the resort, you need to get approval first from Amanpulo's management. Otherwise, your plane will not be allowed to land on the island's airstrip nor will your boat be allowed to dock on the island..

Most expensive fruit: $6,400 grapes

Held recently auctioned in Kanzoa market in Japan with the participation of 30 bidders to buy grapes called "Ruby Roman grapes." Single grain was sold at 255 $ with a total price of $ 6,400.
And grape weighs 20 grams and bright red in color and resemble tennis ball. As for the taste is delicious and wonderful.

The auction of this expensive bunch of grapes took place in a room of a wholesale market in Kanazawa city and the winning bid was called out by the local upscale pastry shop in Ishikawa Prefecture amongst 30 other auction participants.
Each piece of Ruby Roman weighs 20 grams and has a rich cherry color, and the sugar content in this is around 18%. This special class bunch of grapes is artfully engineered and each grape costs around $255. The size is abnormally big when compared to a normal grape and looks like a table tennis ball, difficult enough to have it in one bite.
According to Toshio Shimizu, an official at the Ishikawa chapter of the Japan Agricultural Cooperative, “The quality hasn’t changed that much from last year – it’s just as sweet and juicy.”
But, perhaps increasing interest and expectation has influenced the price jump, as the final price is a 150% increase compared with the highest bid last year.These Ruby Roman bunches were the part of first grape consignment shipped this year, as 10,000 bunches were shipped which is double the supply compared to last year.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Largest Flower in the World

The Arum Titan "Amorphophallus titanum", the largest flower in the world, is pictured as it blossoms for a second time on late November 19, 2012.(AFP Photo / Sebastien Bozon)

The titan arum is special for two reasons. First, it's considered the largest unbranched flower on earth. Second, it smells terrible.

According to the U.S. Botanic Garden, the corpse-like smell attracts pollinating insects:

The magic of the titan arum comes from its great size - it is reputed to have the largest known unbranched inflorescence in the plant kingdom. When it went on display, the plant was around four feet tall. By the time the titan arum bloomed, it had grown to eight feet! Referred to as the corpse flower or stinky plant, its putrid smell is most potent during peak bloom at night into the early morning. The odor is often compared to the stench of rotting flesh. The inflorescence also generates heat, which allows the stench to travel further. This combination of heat and smell efficiently attracts pollinators, such as dung and carrion beetles, from across long distances.
The titan arum does not have an annual blooming cycle. The titan arum emerges from, and stores energy in, a huge underground stem called a "corm." The plant blooms only when sufficient energy is accumulated, making time between flowering unpredictable, spanning from a few years to more than a decade. It requires very special conditions, including warm day and night temperatures and high humidity, making botanic gardens well suited to support this strange plant outside of its natural range.
This plant is native to the tropical rainforests of Sumatra, Indonesia, and first became known to western science in 1878. In its natural habitat, the titan arum can grow up to 12 feet tall. Public viewing of this unique plant has occurred a limited number of times in the United States. The U.S. Botanic Garden previously displayed blooming titan arums in 2003, 2005 and 2007. The Garden curently has 14 accessions of the titan arum, so we hope to have another plant bloom in the coming years.

Amazing Gardens

Keukenhof Gardens (Netherlands)

The world’s largest flower garden is located near Lisse, Netherlands. The garden is open each year from March to May. It was opened in 1949 and has been the world’s largest flower garden for over 50 years.

Photo credit: abac077
Photo credit: atravelfanatic

Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens (South Africa)

Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens is located in Cape Town and is one of South Africa’s 8 national botanical gardens. It was founded in 1913 with the purpose of preserving the unique flora of the area.

Photo credit: Osha Gray Davidson
Photo credit: Osha Gray Davidson
Photo credit: Derek Keats
Photo credit: Martin Heigan

Exbury Gardens (England)

Exbury Gardens is a 200 acre garden in Hampshire. It is considered one of the finest gardens in the United Kingdom.

Photo credit: Aleksey Maksimov
Photo credit: Lucy Hill

The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt

For centuries, ancient writers had praised the Egyptian cities of Canopus and Heracleion as visions of splendor. Such descriptions had long sparked the interest of historians and archaeologists in the modern world, but the cities themselves were nowhere to be found. Finally, in 1992, researchers from the Institut Européen d’Archéologie Sous Marine—European Institute of Underwater Archaeology (IEASM)—set out to search the Alexandrian waters. Literary texts, ancient inscriptions, papyrological documentation, and archaeological information provided by Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) all indicated great promise in this region. Still, scientists had only a faint idea of the monuments and artifacts hidden in these shallow waters. Their discoveries now reveal that Canopus and Heracleion formed a rich network with nearby Alexandria, a network that allowed the entire region to flourish. Today the sunken cities contain only remnants of this network, but artifact by artifact, excavations have brought us a few steps closer in the never ending search for Cleopatra VII, the last Ptolemaic queen of Egypt.

The 10 Most Beautiful Trees

A glorious oak, sitting in an open field. Little does it know that a young, attractive couple is going to have a romantic, midday fuck at its base.

The power of the redwood is only matched by the powers of the thrusts two lovers will share as they fuck each others brains out after breaking off from their tour group.

The Cypress. Perfect for an elegant, yet understated, fuck.

This glorious Red Maple will soon provide shade for two high school students skipping fourth period to fuck beneath its crimson foliage.

Whoa, thick fuck incoming.

Eastern Redbud
Ah, a beautiful Eastern Redbud. Its roots will soon be defiled by two young lovers who likely will use no fuck protection and never see each other again.

Come December, this mighty Blue Spruce will brighten the home of a lucky family who'll carefully adorn it with colorful lights, tinsel and hand-crafted ornaments passed down from generations past. Afterwards, the parents will fuck beneath it.

There's nothing like the gentle draping of the Willow branches to tease and titilate two middle-aged widows in search of the fucking their previous, dead spouses could not provide.

This Chinese bamboo forest provides the indigenous Giant Panda with food and a place to fuck other pandas.

For teeny tiny fucks.

Top 10 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World

10. Dendrobium

dendrobium orchid plant Top 10 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World
The Dendrobium is a form of orchid that is mostly found in Asia. Its name is Greek and the translation means “tree of life”. This type of orchid is known to normally grow quickly in summertime and rest throughout the winter. Although these flowers fall under the protection of the trade act, many can still be found being sold as small potted flowers.

9. Lantana

500px Twin lantana camara edit Top 10 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World
The Lantana is widely spread throughout Venezuela and Colombia, as well as South America. It is a very tall plant, and the ones in the tropics grow even taller. Lantana leaves are very aromatic when you crush them. The flowers initially grow in a pink or yellow color, then gradually change over tored and orange. You may also see flowers of different colors in the same cluster.

8. Rudbeckia

alknockerb Top 10 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World
The name of the Rudbeckia can vary country to country. In North America, the flowers homeland, it is called the black-eyed Suzanna, Germany it is known as a solar hat, and in Ukraine is known as an ox eye. Initially, its name origin comes from a Swedish botanist.

7. Hyacinth

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The Hyacinth received its name from Greek origins. The bulbs of a Hyacinth can create irritation for people with sensitive skin, so be sure to wear protective gear when you are handling the bulbs.

6. Calla

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This flower is mostly spread throughout northern Europe, and Central and Eastern Europe. It requires cool temperatures to thrive. These beautiful white flowers are one of the most popular for weddings. Many people use this clean and fresh looking flower to decorate their wedding site.

5. Strelitzia

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The more common name that is known for this flower is “bird of paradise”. This is because the flower seems to resemble a likeness of a bird of paradise. These flowers are widely spread throughout South Africa and are a perennial plant with five species. Some species have larger leaves that look like banana leaves but are much longer than the banana leaf.

4. Hydrangea

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The Hydrangea or Hortensia, has several species of flowering plants. These plants are native to soil in North America, as well as Korea, Indonesia, and China. Most of these plants can range from 1 to 3 meters. Others will reach up to 30 meters high by climbing trees. Some are evergreen species. The pink hydrangea seems to be one of the most popular around the world.

3. Sakura

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The Sakura, also known as the Cherry Blossom, is Japan’s official symbol. The Cherry Blossom has its own holiday that takes place yearly in March. Most public buildings in Japan have at least one tree in front of their building.

2. Lavender

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Lavender has 39 different varieties of flowering plants from the mint family. This plant covers areas from eastern and northern Africa, Southern Europe, South East India, Southwest Asia, and the Mediterranean. Lavender is usually cultivated for covering the landscape, or for extraction of its essential oils. The flowers may be lilac, blue, or violet, and even sometimes yellowish or blackish purple.

1. Rose

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Of course, first place goes to the Queen of all flowers, and the universal symbol for love: the Rose. The Rose is number one in the top 10 most beautiful flowers that you can find today. This is the most commonly chosen flower due to its fragrance and beauty. There are over more than 100 varieties of roses. They grow like trailing or climbing plants, with thorns on the stems. They are large flowers with varying colors from red, white, and yellow. You can find many colors nowadays for your roses, some may be artificial, and others are hybrids.
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