10. Dendrobium
The Dendrobium is a form of orchid that is mostly found in Asia. Its name is Greek and the translation means “tree of life”. This type of orchid is known to normally grow quickly in summertime and rest throughout the winter. Although these flowers fall under the protection of the trade act, many can still be found being sold as small potted flowers.
9. Lantana
The Lantana is widely spread throughout Venezuela and Colombia, as well as South America. It is a very tall plant, and the ones in the tropics grow even taller. Lantana leaves are very aromatic when you crush them. The flowers initially grow in a pink or yellow color, then gradually change over tored and orange. You may also see flowers of different colors in the same cluster.
8. Rudbeckia
The name of the Rudbeckia can vary country to country. In North America, the flowers homeland, it is called the black-eyed Suzanna, Germany it is known as a solar hat, and in Ukraine is known as an ox eye. Initially, its name origin comes from a Swedish botanist.
7. Hyacinth
The Hyacinth received its name from Greek origins. The bulbs of a Hyacinth can create irritation for people with sensitive skin, so be sure to wear protective gear when you are handling the bulbs.
6. Calla
This flower is mostly spread throughout northern Europe, and Central and Eastern Europe. It requires cool temperatures to thrive. These beautiful white flowers are one of the most popular for weddings. Many people use this clean and fresh looking flower to decorate their wedding site.
5. Strelitzia
The more common name that is known for this flower is “bird of paradise”. This is because the flower seems to resemble a likeness of a bird of paradise. These flowers are widely spread throughout South Africa and are a perennial plant with five species. Some species have larger leaves that look like banana leaves but are much longer than the banana leaf.
4. Hydrangea
The Hydrangea or Hortensia, has several species of flowering plants. These plants are native to soil in North America, as well as Korea, Indonesia, and China. Most of these plants can range from 1 to 3 meters. Others will reach up to 30 meters high by climbing trees. Some are evergreen species. The pink hydrangea seems to be one of the most popular around the world.
3. Sakura
The Sakura, also known as the Cherry Blossom, is Japan’s official symbol. The Cherry Blossom has its own holiday that takes place yearly in March. Most public buildings in Japan have at least one tree in front of their building.
2. Lavender
Lavender has 39 different varieties of flowering plants from the mint family. This plant covers areas from eastern and northern Africa, Southern Europe, South East India, Southwest Asia, and the Mediterranean. Lavender is usually cultivated for covering the landscape, or for extraction of its essential oils. The flowers may be lilac, blue, or violet, and even sometimes yellowish or blackish purple.
1. Rose
Of course, first place goes to the Queen of all flowers, and the universal symbol for love: the Rose. The Rose is number one in the top 10 most beautiful flowers that you can find today. This is the most commonly chosen flower due to its fragrance and beauty. There are over more than 100 varieties of roses. They grow like trailing or climbing plants, with thorns on the stems. They are large flowers with varying colors from red, white, and yellow. You can find many colors nowadays for your roses, some may be artificial, and others are hybrids.
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