10 Most Amazing Photos of Animals That Still in Wombs
This photo shows a bottlenose dolphin about six months through its gestation period. Bottlenose dolphins are where the ocean is relatively warm. They give birth after twelve months. Tiny teeth have begun to form in the mouth of the dolphin fetus, and caudal fins are starting to develop.
Halfway through their gestation period of twenty-two months, the Asian elephant is a perfect miniature of his siblings already born. Even the small trunk is formed, and small hooves can also be seen. Unlike humans, baby elephants have physical proportions remain the same until adulthood.
Sharks are extremely rare among fish, as they carry their young in the form of a mammal. This tiger shark suddenly become one of the ocean’s deadliest predators. Even in the womb, its teeth are clearly visible and so intimidating, even allow you to eat your unborn brothers if you feel the need to. This shark species is responsible for the death of almost every year, but most of them are preventable.
Looking a bit like a small bear, a half chihuahua developed and is developing its distinctive features canines. At birth, the nose have become much more pronounced, and sharp young teeth and will grow.
With ultrasound, we can see through the eggshell of the emperor penguin chick. It is floating in the liquid egg, just days from the time of hatching. Soon enter into one of the planet’s coldest environments, protected by a set down, as you can see, it has already developed inside the egg. Attached to the belly is the last of the egg yolk.
Cats may hate the water, but this two-month-old cheetah-yet unborn, has no choice but to swim in amniotic fluid. Within a month, the animal will be born almost totally helpless, eventually becoming the fastest carnivore on Earth. Even at this stage, the dots are visible between the hairs.
His secret world traversed by ultrasound, a corn snake growing inside her hard, bird eggs. Despite his lack of legs can make them appear strange and frightening for us, a snake shares many similarities with lizards and small birds, including a well-defined region of the brain and spine.
Here is an exception to the title of this list. The ultrasound was not necessary to capture images of this possum that as a marsupial, was born when he was still a fetus. The animal underdeveloped proceed to its mother’s pouch until it has developed enough to be “born” again.
This little lime-still in the early stages of development, almost looks like a tadpole with its oddly cappings CHORRERA. In just a few weeks, was born alive and ready to hunt as a tropical shark species on earth faster. Fish and immediately be directed as the shark matures, will even learn to snatch seabirds.
Two thirds of the way to be born, polar bears have their fur insulation, and have small claws. Their bodies are engaged in small ursine what resembles a bear hug, but sibling rivalry inevitably escalate once born in what is often a very difficult life. Polar bear cubs grow into the largest carnivore species on earth.
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